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Suez Canal Crisis Comic Strip

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Suez Canal Crisis Comic Strip
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  • But Israel needs weapons from the United States. We wish to prevent an Egyptian attack.
  • But I want to sell weapons to Egypt.
  • We also need allies in the Middle East.
  • The soviets are only looking out for themselves. We want to prevent potential conflict.
  • The United States will give you the money you need to build the Aswan High Dam.
  • Egypt also needs funding for the Aswan High Dam to be built.
  • I need some strong allies from the US or Soviet Union.
  • We would prefer you side with the US rather than the Soviets.
  • Why!? So that you could possibly attack Israel!?!
  • See!! The US is corrupt. The moment you go against their demands they cancel their promises.
  • On the other hand, if the US backs out and doesn't provide you the money for the dam, the Soviet Union will gladly pay for its construction. 
  • We want to keep the canal under British Control!!
  • The Soviets only want to start conflict by selling you weapons that they hope you will use to attack Israel.
  • If you attack Israel or get close to Russia, the US will cancel the funding.
  • But I want to build up Egypt's military!
  • What about the people of Israel?
  • If Egypt allies with Russia, perhaps in exchange, the Soviet Union can have free access and use of the Canal.
  • As long as Egypt doesn't attack Israel, the US will have no reason to go back on their original promise.
  • We need the Aswan High Dam to be built so that it can produce electricity and support farming to the people of Egypt.
  • Why should Britain keep control of the Canal, when it clearly is located right next to Egypt?!?!
  • The Soviets are offering more to Egypt in exchange for the free access and use of the Canal instead of the US.
  • Shouldn't Israel have a say in the control of the Canal?
  • What if America was in support of Britain maintaining their control of the Canal?
  • I can swear that the US is offering more in the sense of peace and prosperity for Egypt. Perhaps the US can gain free access and use of the canal with what we are offering to Egypt.
  • Why do you want American support? Perhaps to weaken me?!?!
  • That doesn't seem fair.
  • The US spits more lies to Egypt. The US cannot be trusted. At least we offer Egypt more than just a promise and money.
  • The US should be in support of Britain controlling the Canal because then two countries can brand together and share the canal between us.
  • Israel doesn't border the Canal so I don't think you guys should have a say in control of the Canal.
  • Why should the US be in support of Britain having the control over the Canal?!?!?
  • Russia's offer still stands for selling weapons and helping to fund the Aswan High Dam in Egypt.
  • Britain cannot be trusted.
  • We can be trusted!
  • That doesn't seem like something Britain would do if they had complete control over the canal.
  • I have a lot to consider.
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