This book is about a girl named Emily. Her job is to protect the amulet and her family because they are in great danger. They moved to a creepy house after their dad died in a car accident.
Middle of the book.
Thank you for saving me!
Your very welcome mom!
The main character is Emily, the new stonekeeper and her younger brother, Navin.Also Miskit which is a bunny, is one of Emily's best friends also her mom. The setting mostly took place in a house that is a robot that can fight.
End of the book.
Please don´t kill me!!!!!
In the beginning of the book there was a giant bug that ate Emily and Navin´s mom. Until they meet Miskit, they tried to rescue their mom with out any help. On the way of saving their mom Miskit, Emily, and Navin, ran into some trouble with others who tried to steal and destroy the amulet.
Moral and lesson learned.
Mom come quick (Navin said)
In the middle of the book Emily finds her grandfather who went missing a couple decades ago that built the house/robot. He told Emily to protect the amulet and her family. Emily´s grandfather was about to die but Miskit and all his friends tried to help him. Emily found and rescued her mom from the slimy bug. After, Emily had bigger issues.
At the end of the book Emily gets in a amulet fight, that means two people that have amulets fight with them. Emily got in that fight with the most powerful amulet leader there is. Emily was about to get her amulet destroy and her self until she made a huge energy source come out of the amulet. After that the most powerful amulet leader was all most dead but Emily did not won´t to kill him, she just let him get far far away from here. After that they never saw each other again.
I think the lessen learned is that you should be grateful for what you have and not complain about it because; on page 15 and 16 Emily is complaining about the new house and that there in the middle of no where and not being. I learned that you should be grateful and trust your family but also obby them. The author through out the book showed with the characters to love one another and be grateful for what you have.