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  • Umm sure yeah, okay. I’ve got limited time today because I have six other classes-
  • Yes, I totally agree with whatever you just said. But umm, this next part, the grief, or the grievience or whatever is something I have trouble remembering. This week Ms. Asper, is testing us on grievances 20-25, like bruh. You know what I mean?
  • FOR ONCE I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN CRAIG! I think I'm going to cry, that was a really good speech. I think you’re ready,and yes I will be emailing your parents about your nintendo very soon. Great job and bye!
  • Umm yeah, but the real way to say it is the Preamble. Can you tell me what the it means?
  • Meh, like I care . My chips, are finally in my hands again!
  • Okay then… so what does all of this mean. What would you say the grievances are?
  • Well again, they all sound like complaints to me about that King George dude. I guess they want to revolt or go against him or something?
  • Yes that is exactly right. Okay Craig we are almost done here. There is only one more part to the declaration of independence. The Resolution of Independence. Can you please explain to me what it is, and how you can put it in your own words.
  • Okay finallyyyy. I thought this would ever end, like don’t those old guys get sleepy ever? Okay so the last part, the Resolution of Independence, is basically the summary of everything they put in the declaration. They use words like “United Colonies” and how these colonies are meant to be independent, and no one should rule them. Giving them the right to be free, and stating their independence against anyone and everyone. You know what I mean?
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