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  • Ah, this sunlight, water, and carbon is so nice. Its so nice to the point where I can photosynthesis. I'm so glad that this chloroplasts in my leaves makes them green.
  • Why don't we take a closer look and see how photosynthesis works, inside the plants.
  • Stroma
  • chloroplast
  • thylakoid
  • inside the chloroplast
  • As these molecules travel they start to lose energy. They also pick up hydrogen molecules.
  • Here is an inside look of what happens inside a thylakoid. Electrons are made by water splitting into oxygen and hydrogen molecules.
  • These molecules are charged with light at P680 and use that energy to travel down the ETC
  • As this process is happening hydrogen ions that are sitting in the thylakoid get sent through the ATP synthetase and into the stroma.
  • When the hydrogen ion pass through the ATP synthetase it makes the ADP turn into ATP.
  • Once the electron starts to cross the ETC it goes into the chlorophyll. Here is it charged with P700. It travels father down the ETC and the electrons are used to change NADP+ into NADPH
  • One of the G3P is used to make glucose while the other 5 are used to make RuBP. IN order to make glucose this needs to happen 6 times.
  • the Calvin cycle is working the same time as photosynthate. This system uses the carbon to from G3P.
  • Regeneration
  • Carbon Fixation
  • Reduction
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