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How a Bill Becomes a Law Story Board- Evelyn Vargas 1st period Part 1

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How a Bill Becomes a Law Story Board- Evelyn Vargas 1st period Part 1
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  • Problem Arises
  • Why do you wear that? It is so UGLY... can you take that off? it bothers me since no one wears that, what did you say it was called, a hikabdi?
  • She is so mean, I don't understand why she is like that?
  • Lets ask fellow students for help
  • It is a Hijabi, and no I can't take it off, it is part of my culture, Can't you understand?
  • Maybe because there is no diversity in school, she isn't used to it, but that is still not nice of her, the school should do more to help
  • Bill Is Introduced in House Of Representatives (Students)
  • Spread diversity in school
  • Lets Share this to our classmates and see what they think
  • Work on Bill
  • We present to you our concern, what do you think.
  • Okay, Lets work on that!!
  • It sounds great but, how will be spread diversity,-will it only be at our school?-how will we support them and make sure they are respected?-Maybe we don't need this and should just spread awareness of bullying
  • Spread diversity in school
  • Debate on bill
  • I feel like we should tweek it a little bit and make it more broad
  • Spread Diversity in Public Areas where aliens feel safe and respected, we should start by encouraging tourism , make living opportunities for everyone qualified and support exchange students in schools.
  • Vote on Bill
  • Okay lets vote and see if most agree.
  • Since majority agrees lets send it to our teachers (Senate)
  • Bill is sent to second chamber (Senate),
  • Today, our students presented us with a problem which should be addressed , so lets vote and decide
  • That sounds better!!!
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