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  • Monthly hike
  • AssignmentGo out side and try to find four different exmples of trigonometry and Geometry1:2:3:4:
  • Lets hope this works out
  • Make sure to write them down
  • 13 Meters
  • 12 Meters
  • If the first base is 16 m and the second one is 26 m and if the height is 12 m then by using the equation X = 1/2(b1 + b2)hit should be equal to 252 mSo the base is around 252 Meters
  • The river looks sort of like a trapazoid
  • 16 Meters
  • 26 Meters
  • 13 Meters
  • Hey look that looks like a right triangle
  • I guess that the bottom there is 51 Degrees and the tree looks around 10 Meters high. So using SIN i should be able to find the hypotinusSIN51 = 10/X10/SIN51 = XSo the Hypotenus is around 11.2 Meters then
  • 51 degrees
  • 10 Meters
  • X
  • Since i'm finding the angle i'll have to use Reverse Sin which would mean it goesSinX = 13/15 or X = Sin^-1(13/15)Which if we round up and use degrees should end up as 60.07So the angle is 60 degrees
  • 15 Meters
  • 13 Meters
  • Hey another right triangle i'll try to find the angle this time
  • well the mountain looks about 45 Meters tall and asuming that the angle there is 62 degrees and then use Tan it should look like thisTan62 = x/45 then like thisX= 45(Tan62) which shouldequal 23.9 Meters soX = 23.9
  • Lets try and find the how far it is from the water 
  • Hey if you draw the lines like that it looks like a triangle
  • 62 Degrees
  • 45 Meters
  • The End
  • Thanks for reading
  • Hope you Enjoyed
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