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A Christmas Carol

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A Christmas Carol
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  • Scene 1
  • Good Afternoon! Now out! 
  • Scene 2
  • Do you want to end up like me?!
  • Scene 3
  • I do remember this..
  • Remember this?
  • Scrooge's nephew comes in to ask if scrooge wanted to come to his house for Christmas night, Scrooge rejects him and askes him to leave. The gentlemen visitor comes in to ask Scrooge to donate to the poor but scrooge says no and if they are poor they don't have any point in living. The Gentleman Visitor leaves and Scrooge didn't donate.
  • Scene 4
  • Oh my... 
  • Scrooge gets home and sits down. He starts hearing footsteps and chains. A gosht comes in, it's Marley's spirit coming back to warn Scrooge.  Scrooge does not care because it's late and he wants to go to bed. But Marley warns him that if he doesn't change he will end up being like Marley with chains.
  • Scene 5
  • Scrooge tries to sleep but Christmas past shows up. Christmas past takes scrooge through all his past. He shows Scrooge how nice he used to be as a kid and how he became greedy and mean. Christmas past takes Scrooge to see him as a child, he takes him to see Fezzywigh, and when he broke up with his sweet heart because she didn't have a lot of money.
  • I'm really sorry.
  • Scrooge met Fezzywig from his past. Christmas present shows scrooge Bob Cratchits living conditions and how he is affecting Bob. He also saw how sick tiny time was and that tiny time wasn't going to make it. Christmas past also repeated all the things scrooge has said to people and how they feel. Scrooge hated it and wanted him to stop saying things. Scrooge finally understood how to mean he actually was...
  • Then christmas future came and showed scrooge what it was like after he died. People were taking his money and saying terrible things about scrooge. Scrooge was pretty upset that people had thought about him that way and he wanted everything to go back to normal so he can apologize to everyone.
  • Scrooge was the worst
  • I cant wait to take all his money.
  • Scrooge finds himself on Christmas day and he wanted to make it up to everyone. So he does. He gave Bob Cratchit a rais and said that he could have the whole day off! He made it up to everyone and everyone was very happy!
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