Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.
Growing population
Growing population solution
Growing population solution pt:2
Rocky land
Rocky land solution Part 1
Rocky land solution part 2
Growing population lead to shortness of food.
Starting colonies
We can take the food and good home on the boat
Rocky land lead to having minim space to grow food
Step farming was used when there wasn't enough farmland to grow enough food for their population and if they were surrounded by mountains.
They were able to produce more and more food because of step farming and were able to produce enough food for their population
We are running out of food
What are we going to do????
We're going to starve
we can start here and import the food home.
We can take the food and good home on the boat
We have no more room for farming.
We can use step farming to improve our farming because there isn't enough even land.