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Black cowboy wild horses Julia Reichel

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Black cowboy wild horses Julia Reichel
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  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • I just wanna ride freely
  • Rising Action- 1
  • While the other cowboys start their morning chores Bob and his horse Warrior are setting out hoping to round up a herd of wild mustangs. Warrior whines eagerly to run freely and be apart of his own herd while Bob tries to calm him down.
  • Rising Action- 2
  • Bob and Warrior are setting out to find the mustangs when they find their tracks, Bob starts to find out things about the mustangs by only looking at their tracks, like where they were going and when. But inside Bob just wants to ride freely with the mustangs and Warrior. When the night starts to come Bob and Warrior must find a place to rest for the night.
  • Climax
  • Bob and Warrior find a place to rest, Bob is very cold but cannot make a fire because the mustangs might smell the smoke. Bob takes Warriors saddle off and blanket off and try to get comfortable by sleeping in the saddle.
  • Resolution
  • While Bob and Warrior set out in the morning they soon find the herd of mustangs and slowly come closer and closer then eventually join the herd. While riding into the heard Bob must try to blend in so they don't see him. Then a rattlesnake comes out of the bushes and the baby colt goes down from the venom and dies quickly. Then Bob realizes this is his chance to take over the herd.
  • Bob galloped Warrior to the front of the herd as he knew now was the time to take over because the stallion would not have the heart to fight as hard. Bob charged Warrior at the stallion and the horses fought until the stallion retreated. Bob and Warrior were triumphant.
  • After Bob takes over the herd Bob makes sure the mustangs follow him. After they do follow him he decides to take one more ride around the plains, after he's done he rides into the ranch into the pen still wanting to have that freedom of riding with the mustangs.
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