The name Mohenjo-Daro signifies "the mound of the dead"It is a group of mounds and ruins on the right bank of the Indus River
In the lower town were substantial courtyard houses, mostly for the middle classGenerally houses were either one or two levels high with a single room
Water from bathrooms on the rooms and upper stories was carried through enclosed terracotta pipes or open chutes tat emptied onto the street drainsThey had many water supply and sanitation devices that were the first known example of their kind
The Great Bath of Mohenjo-Daro could serve for some religious functions because the water was used to cleanse and renew the health of those who bathed in it. It is located in the center of the Citadel and made of baked waterproof mud bricks and a thick layer of bitumen (a natural tar)
Seals were used to seal the rope around bundles of goods.They also could Identify the owner or person transporting the goods
Metals and tools made up of flint stones were the main articles traded. The traders would bring materials to be made. Also, pots, gold, silver and beads were traded.There was an extensive maritime trade network in operation, boats on the sea and rivers.