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World History Bitmoji Project

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World History Bitmoji Project
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  • Hey have you heard of the Early civilizations? It is pretty interesting.
  • So every humans looked reddish brown.
  • During the time of the Ice Age, peoples skin went through changes called hyperpigmentation.
  • Hyperpigmentation was when there were darkened areas of skin caused by excessive amounts of melanin.
  • Like this for example.
  • In Early civilizations, there was a time period called the Agricultural Revolution.
  • They also started using irrigation to bring water to their crops.
  • During that time humans started to domesticate animals for gathering resources and travel.
  • The notable one are a democracy, a monarchy, and a republic.
  • Some types of governments they made were a democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, republic, and an anarchy.
  • A monarchy is ruled by a king and queen. A democracy is where everyone votes on a decision a majority rules.
  • Civilizations were able to do many things over many year. One thing they did was make different governments.
  • A republic is when there are representatives that make the decisions under set laws.
  • Although early civilizations were advancing there were some that would end up falling.
  • There were times where there were natural disasters like earthquakes and floods. There were also plagues that would lead to the fall of some civilizations.
  • Well that is what happened during the Early civilizations.
  • That is all there is to it about the Early civilizations that I know of.
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