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California Gold Rush Project

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California Gold Rush Project
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  • California Gold Rush
  • Rush for Gold
  • *BLAAAHHH*Great, I'm motion sick, my food is just about spoiled, and now there's a storm coming. How am I ever going to make it
  • Life in The Mining Camps
  • I spent all day trying ti find gold and I didn't, now my knees hurt
  • Someone was coughing earlier and now im sick
  • Me to
  • By: Aldo BallesterosPeriod: 8
  • Miners from Around the World
  • Gold was becoming big news around the world. Everyone wanted gold, so many rushed to the American river and started the Gold Rush. People who went to find gold were forty-niners and these forty-niners had to face three dangerous routes just to get to the gold. Some people didn't make it and some did but might of gotten a deadly diseases.
  • Conflicts Among Miners
  • Here is your freedom letter
  • Staying in mining camps was a terrible decision, which mostly every gold miner had to make. It was dangerous, there would be a lot of camp violence. Miner's spent their whole days on their knees in the streams where they shifted threw mud to just to find small amounts of gold, maybe even none. People who came with a disease sickened other miners, and now they are suffering even more.
  • The Impact of the Gold Rush
  • As more days pass, more and more people went to get gold. People from all over the world went to make a fortune, unfortunately, not everyone got gold. Now, about two-thirds of the forty-niners were Americans, most of them were from New England. Even Chinese went to get gold and by the end of 1851, one out of ten immigrants was Chinese. They proved to be hard workings, and the Americans did not like them, they were suspicious of their culture.
  • I don't like these people. The Chinese dress weird and also eat weird foods.
  • Your Right, they are weird, I don't trust them
  • A lot of greed and anger made some miners cheat others, meaning they would say a promise, while it being a scam or a lie. Some would promise slaves that they would be if they would a lot of gold. One slave actually found a lot and got their letter to prove their freedom, but at night was stolen and had to work another year. The slave was lied to and scammed. The Americans began to force out Native Americans and foreigners to minimize competition.
  • *I'm just going to steal it and make him work for me again*
  • .About 250,000 people crowded California in the 3 years of the Gold Rush. Before gold was found, California had about 160,000 people living there, so about 65,000 people arrived there in the 3 years of the Gold Rush. More people living in California could be both a good and a bad thing. Some new comers didn't respect the Californio's land and seized it. Since California had enough people to apply for statehood, it entered as a free state, scaring the southerners because the northerners might put an end to slavery
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