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تحذير: لا تقم بتسجيل المواد المحمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر (الموسيقى الخلفية، أو مقاطع الأفلام أو التلفزيون، وما إلى ذلك)

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So, do you have any idea what we should do before a tsunami, guys?

For me, sir, I will create a customized emergency preparedness kit. Families should be able to survive on their own for at least three days.

Before a tsunami:

A tsunami warning indicates that a tsunami may have been generated and is approaching your location. A complete evacuation is advised. A tsunami watch means that a tsunami has not yet been confirmed, but it is possible that one is on its way, and it might be as close as an hour away. Keep an eye out for more details.


If you feel an earthquake, drop, cover and hold:

  • Drop:drop to the ground before the earthquake causes you to fall.
    Take cover under a piece of heavy furniture such as a desk or table to protect your head and torso from falling objects.
  • Hold: hold onto the object you are under so that you remain covered.

Today class our lesson is about why we should appreciate the values of knowing the risk and hazards of a Tsunami

Kits should include goods that are unique to the calamity, but they can also be customized to meet the needs of your family and pets.

I'll contact my municipality to learn more about the threats, evacuation procedures, and alerting systems in my area. Know the sound of the alarm and make sure everyone in my household knows what to do if it goes off.

Those are excellent responses!

So guys do you know something about the things we should do before a tsunami?

We should be prepared for aftershocks, which could generate another tsunami.

After a tsunami:

Stay out of any building that has water around it. Tsunami force can cause floors to crack or walls to collapse.

Return home only after local officials tell you it is safe. A tsunami is a series of waves that may continue for hours. Do not assume that after one wave the danger is over. The next wave may be larger than the first one.

Those are some fantastic responses!

So, guys, do you have any idea what we should do during a tsunami?

Wherever possible, I will follow established evacuation routes. Take your pets with you, but don't postpone your evacuation to retrieve them.

During a tsunami:

For my step, I'll keep an eye on the tsunami's progress and keep an ear out for any warnings or directions from local authorities. If you're safe when the first tsunami hits, stay put until authorities say it's safe to go, as further waves may arrive.

If you're at sea, don't leave. In water deeper than 20 meters, boats are normally safer. On the high seas, ships are safest in water deeper than 100 meters.

Wow great!


  • Keep an eye out for side effects. Landslides, contaminated water, mudflows, destroyed bridges, buildings, and highways, among other hazards, are among them. Do not enter your home if you have any reason to believe it is hazardous. If you're unsure, hire a professional to clear your house for re-entry.
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استدارة:   الوجه أفقيا الوجه عموديا title= تدوير 90 درجة اليمين
طبقات: إحضار إلى الأمام اجلب للمقدمة إرسال إلى الوراء إرسال إلى الخلف
تصحيح:   نسخ Stretch to Fill تقليم حذف
محو الوظيفة القفل فتح الوظيفة

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