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English Civil War

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English Civil War
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  • Charles I
  • Unpopularity of Charles I
  • Parliament
  • Charles I
  • Civil War
  • soldiers
  • Parliament
  • Overthrow of Charles I
  • Charles I
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • The Parliament didn't like Charles I because he didn't agree with what they wanted and he ignored them and didn't follow the petition he initially agreed to.
  • Restoration of Stuart Monarchy
  • Charles II
  • The Civil War was between the King and the Parliament, this war was to determine their role in the government.
  • Glorious Revolution
  • Dutch Leader
  • English Nobles
  • The Parliament proved victorious because they of the new model army of Oliver Cromwell a military genius, eventually they won and beheaded Charles I.
  • English Bill of Rights
  • Everyone is now subject to the same laws, and rights!
  • The Restoration happened after Cromwell's death, Charles II son of Charles I restored the monarchy though it did not mean the revolution was undone. The Parliament kept the power they got.
  • The English nobles invited the dutch leader to invade England. Most of the people of England wanted a change.
  • We want change
  • The English bill of rights was a bill that made everyone subject to the same laws.
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