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Noah and the Ark

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Noah and the Ark
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  • Genesis 6:1 (Fall)
  • Genesis 6:2
  • Genesis 6:9-22; Genesis 7:1-5
  • We are introduced to the fall of God’s people in the story of Noah and the Ark. As the descendants of Adam and Eve spread and multiplied, so did their sin. Their continuous disobedience toward God’s wishes for his people corrupted their thoughts, actions, as well as the heart.
  • Genesis 7:6-24 (Redemption)
  • To prevent His people from living wickedly, He decreased the human lifespan to 120 years to prevent them from sinning more. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the people from living wickedly. We learn that the Lord planned to destroy the Earth and everything in it due to his regrets of the people’s sin by flooding the Earth.
  • Genesis 8:1-12
  • However, Noah and his family found favor before the Lord’s eyes. He was commanded to build an Ark, given specific instructions of its measurements, so he and his family may be protected from the disaster that would fall on Earth. He was also given instruction about the creatures and the number of creatures permitted inside the ark.
  • Genesis 8:15-22 (Restoration & Creation)
  • Once Noah fulfilled all God commanded him to do concerning the Ark, He shut the door and a great deep burst forth and the floodgates of heaven were opened. It rained for 40 days and nights, flooded for 150 days, but in that span, every living creature outside the Earth perished, leading to creation's redemption.
  • Meanwhile, God was with those in the Ark during the flood and as the water receded. Noah sent a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the Earth. To make sure that the Earth was ready to be inhabited, He then sent a dove thrice. When the dove didn’t return on the third time, it implied that the Earth dried.
  • Once everyone and everything is escorted out the Ark, the Lord states his purpose and mission for mankind on Earth, to multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it. In honor of the Lord, Noah then sacrificed a burnt offering to the Lord, and because of the pleasing aroma of this offering, the Lord vowed never to flood the Earth again, leading to the redemption and a new world.
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