Each suitors have to choose one of the caskets, one made out of gold, one is silver and the last one is lead, if they choose the correct one then they can marry me.
I am the prince of Morocco. I'm not choosing lead, never lead, also not silver, I choose gold now give me the key!
Inside the gold casket is a skull, sorry but you may leave.
I am the prince of Arragon. I am not choosing gold and I will also not get lead!Silver is my choice, give me the key for this and unlock it!
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head! Is that my prize?!
I am sorry but inside the silver casket is a clown.
Hi, I am Bassanio.
I already love Bassanio well enough, I hope he will choose the right casket or I'll never see him again
Not in gold, Not in silver but in quiet, unassuming lead. And here choose I, joy be the consequences!
Inside the lead casket is a portrait of me.
I swear that I would never, so long as I love you, part with it.
Here is a ring but you have to keep it on as long as you love me.