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Science No Friction/Gravity Project

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Science No Friction/Gravity Project
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  • At Home
  • What is going on? I am sliding around. Why won't my feet stop me from moving!
  • The Neighborhood
  • Whoa. I escaped. I can't believe it!
  • Help me! I am just sliding non-stop
  • Where did friction go?! I can't stop!
  • The Park
  • Weeeeee!
  • Why aren't my hands warming up? Oh no. Do I need friction for this too?
  • Robert wakes up late and is in a hurry to get to work. Suddenly, when he gets up, he can't stop moving in a different direction because the world has lost friction. He also can't stand properly.
  • The Workplace
  • After finally getting out and reaches his car, he begins to drive to work. When he gets to the traffic light, he realizes that he won't be able to stop because there is no friction; thus, the brakes won't work. Quickly, he jumps out of the car as it continues its steady pace. 
  • At a Restaurant
  • I agree, my hands can't even grip the pizza and eat it. A friction-less world is a pain.
  • Robert's workplace is not far from where he abandoned his car, so he decides to slide over to work. Realizing he doesn't need to move his legs, he decides to relax and let the natural forces push him. Suddenly he slides downhill and reaches a park. He feels really cold due to all the cold air. He decides to warm himself up by rubbing his hands, but his hands are not warming up due to there being no friction.
  • At Home
  • Oh no. The nails in my house have fallen out. I need to hurry and make my wish to end this. I never should have wished for this.
  • When he finally gets to work, he manages to go up the elevator and get to his office. His co-workers nor his boss have arrived yet and he decides to get a head start. When he gets onto his chair, it slides under him and causes him to rub his arm against the desk. He decides to get a band-aid, but looks at his arm and sees no scratches. 
  • I understand that having no friction will cause me to slide off the chair, but how can it prevent me from getting a scratch?
  • After a stressful work day, falling and getting back up, he decides to slide to the nearby pizzeria. When arriving, he sees a man trying to eat his food, but is unable to grip it and eat it. Without a second thought, Robert decides to leave and try to slide back home.
  • The world has gone mad.
  • Robert finally slides home and manages to open the sliding door in his backyard. Sighing with relief, he slides inside. Then from above, he sees some nails fall on the floor. Robert remembers he wished for this in his dream. Realizing that he never should have used his wish to create a friction-less world, he rushes to the basement to cast a spell to end this friction-less world.
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