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Rich girl

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  • Amira, are you paying attention? came miss Belle's posh voice, oh sorry miss said Amira waking up from her day dream, it was a lovely sunny wednesday evening and Amira was sitting in her study with her private tutor,Amira, you realize you have a big test coming up soon and you are not in the least bit ready for it, yes miss, Amira nodded and looked down at her book, so ummm you would multiply the tens by the top number and add it all together to get the answer? That is correct she smiled.
  • hi my name is Amira.
  • hi my name is kayla!
  • my name is amber!
  • hi i'm hazel!
  • Now run along or you'lle be late for tea, Amira nodded, she thanked miss Belle and went upstairs to her room, she picked out her outfit and then went to the bath room to wash her face and hands, then back to he to change into her clothes, when she was clothed she brushed her hair and then went down stairs to the kitchen to find her father sitting at the table, when he saw Amira he plastered a huge smile across his face.
  • Amira felt lonely she was up in her room when an idea hit her, she ran down stairs and flung open the door to her fathers study, dad she yelled her father jumped, Amira he said whats wrong he asked?I want to go to a public school she said, ok said her father,yyyeeeesssss!!!!!!!!!exclaimed Amira.The next few day's was a blur of school uniform's, books, and all the thing's she would need for her new school, Before she knew it it was the first day of term.
  • Miss belle dropped her off at her new school which was called rale school for girls, When she got there the teachers told miss Belle to leave so Amira was left alone she felt quite scared in this new big school, during break three girls came up to her and introduced themselves, hi one of them said, my name is kayla and this hazel and Amber, soon the girls became close friends, and when Amira got a letter from her father to say he was getting married she even invited them to the wedding.
  • On the day of the wedding Amira, Kayla, and Hazel got on the train to Amira's house, when they got there they all changed thier clothes in Amira's room, then they left and went to the church, they met the bride, hi Amira, she said i've heard so much about you too much.......she said trailing off, can i have have a girl talk with you she asked sure Amira shrugged, the bride who's name was Laura took her to a corner now listen up she said i am going to put that ring on your dad's finger and this whole church, and the finger of blame will be poiunted at you, the poor girl that didn't want her father to get married!!!!
  • She was going to do it she was going to put the ring on her dads finger any second now, Amira had to do some thing but what ? Just then she had an idea and she told her friends and a plan was formed,AAAAGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amira screamed. What is it asked her dad?A rat! yelled Amira , while every one was distracted Kayla snuck up behind Laura and grabbed the ring off her she threw it on the ground and stamped on it.NNOOO!!!exclaimed Laura yyaayyy said the girls Iam so confused said her dad don't worry we'lle explain every thing said Amira smiling.
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