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The french revolution

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The french revolution
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  • The Reign of terror ends (1794)
  • Robespierre was executed (July 28 1794)
  • Dont kill me please, i dont deaserve it
  • The Directory is formed (November 2 1795)
  • Im goin to create a committee called the directory , its basically 5 people who rule the entire country
  • It ended as soon as Robespierre was arrested
  • Napoleon takes power (October 5 1799)
  • He was guillotined without a trial at the Place de la Révolution due to his political downfall caused by the instability that he himself had generated.
  • Napoleon's coup against the Directory (November 9 1799)
  • The French Revolutionary Government was established in accordance with the third year of the Constitution, which lasted for four years, from November 1795 to November 1799.It includes a bicameral legislature called Corps Législatif
  • New constitution imposed by Napoleon (December 13 1799) 
  • He was very ambitious, and his military successes helped him gain power
  • The coup overthrew the government system under the French superintendent and replaced the consulate, making way for Napoleon Bonaparte's tyranny. The event is usually regarded as the effective end of the French Revolution
  • I demand a change on the government system
  • the Constitution established a form of government known as the Consulate. The constitution tailor-made the position of First Consul to give Napoleon most of the powers of a dictator.
  • This is going to be the new constitution
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