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school bullies

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school bullies
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  • Introduction
  • I'm so happy for my first day
  • Malissa,azzy:EWW! she looks so fat and ugly.
  • Rising Action
  • leave me alone NOW!
  • aww is the lil miss fatty gonna cry HAHAHA
  • Teacher: What is 5x9?
  • Rising Action
  • I know!!
  • Man they are so mean to me 😣
  • A girl named Sofie moved to a new school and was so exited about it! She was going to grade 5.
  • Climbax
  • Yes Sofie, Mk i'll talk to them that is not very nice at all.
  • Mrs.Kesha!
  • Malissa and Azzy called me fat in the hallway and pushed me:(
  • She got pushed on to the ground and got called '' AWWW is miss lil fatty gonna cry HAHAHHAHAHAH". she was crying on the way to class.
  • falling action
  • O.M.G I am calling their mom and complaning
  • Mom today i got bullied and got called fat:( by Azzy&Mallisa
  • As soon as they got to class Sofie was very upset about what happened in the hallway
  • Ending
  • w-well she was very dumb and ugly!!
  • GIRLS!!!! Why would you bully Sofie!!!?
  • Still she has gone through so much so you girls are grounded for 3 months
  • She got really upset so she went up to Mrs.Kesha and told her all about it. They had a warning about it. And if they did it again they would be in the office with the Principal.
  • as soon as she got home she told her mom all about it her mom called their mom and told her and complained
  • Sofie's mom called their mom and complained. After they hung up and talked about it she talked about it the girls and their mom grounded them and got them in so much truble
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