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Atomic Theory Comic Strip #1

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Atomic Theory Comic Strip #1
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  • Democritus (460-370 BCE)
  • Democritus, what is going on? Have you discovered something?
  • I proved this theory because I knew that if a stone was divided in half, the two halves would have essentially the same properties as the whole. Therefore, I reasoned that if the stone were to be continually cut into smaller and smaller pieces then at some point, there would be a piece which would be so small as to be indivisible.
  • Leucippus, I have concluded my theory on atoms. I believe that atoms are solid and indestructible. I also have concluded that atoms move in infinite numbers through empty space until their stopped.
  • John Dalton (1810)
  • I have finally finished my appendix about further research of atoms. My theory states that the atoms within a given element are all exactly the same size and weight. On the other hand, the atoms of different elements look and are different from one other. I hopefully will soon compose a table listing the atomic weights of all known elements.
  • Michael Faraday (1830's)
  • I may have made one of the most significant discoveries. I believe atoms had an electrical component. I found this out by placing two opposite electrodes in a solution of water containing a dissolved compound.
  • JJ Thomson (1897)
  • I discovered the negative charge of the electron. I did this by using magnets and charged plates to deflect the cathode ray. I observed that cathode rays were deflected by a magnetic field in the same manner as a wire carrying an electric current, which was known to be negatively charged.
  • Ernest Rutherford (1908-1911)
  • Thank you so much for the Nobel Prize. If you are wondering why I earned this, it's because I discovered that there are two types of radiation (alpha and beta). I also found atoms are mostly empty spaces with the centre of the atom being a positive nucleus. These findings can lead to huge scientific improvements in the future.
  • Niel Bohr (1913)
  •  I changed the atomic theory by using the quantum theory. If you don't know what the quantum theory is, it's basically a theory which explains the nature and behaviour of matter and energy. With the quantum theory I found electrons are located in orbits around the nucleus, and if electrons move from orbit to orbit, the atom sends out radiation.
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