rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.
rising action
The village are at the castles gates waiting for the prince to come out. Now we meet tom is a beggar or a pauper he got to close to the gate the get mad because he went to close to the castle. The prince comes out and takes tom into the castle tom tells prince about offal court and his life the prince wanting to live that life . Tom wishes that he could wear the princes cloths then they switch clothing. They switch cloth prince notices the bruise on toms arm the angry gose outside to yell the the guards thorws the prince out because looks like tom.
Since they swapped they closed they look like each other prince be treating like a peasant and since the king is dead that makes the prince the king but the prince outside of the castle and tom used the great seal as a nut cracker and tom crazy father is chasing prince because he look like tom.