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  • Education in the Colonies
  • Government in the Colonies
  • Boston Massacre (1770)
  • Different parts of the colonies had different ways of teaching. The New England Colonies were required to provide public schools. The Southern Colonies wealthy planters would hire a teacher for their children. Due to religious freedom in the Middle Colonies each religion group had to decide how to educate its children.
  • Stamp Act
  • General Assemblies were elected by colonists by colonists to make the laws, colonial governors were chosen by the king and could overrule the assemblies. Only colonists were democratic, white, land-owning men over 21 could vote. For the most part, parliament and the king did not bother in the colonies.
  • Townshend Acts
  • In 1770 on King Street in Boston, angry colonists were upset and felt King George was being unfair by taxing them on any imports from Great Britain. The Colonists reacted in a violent way and started throwing icy snowballs at the soldiers. Someone from the Redcoats yelled "FIRE" and they shots and killed 5 colonists.
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Britain passed a law in 1765 taxing any paper products such as contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. to pay for the money lost in the war with France. This caused colonists to boycott british goods and attack the tax collectors. The stamp act congress was formed, representatives from the colonies came together to petition against the king and parliament.
  • In 1767, a law was passed taxing any trading imports from Britain. This caused the colonists to divide. Patriots, who were against the king and wanted freedom from Britain. Loyalists, who were loyal to the king and parliament.
  • In 1776 Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the declaration of Independence. Much of the inspiration for document came from Thomas Paine's, "Common Sense" arguing the ideas of, and informing colonists, the importance of freedom from the king and the foundation needed to build a democratic republic. Thomas Jefferson uses many ides of Paine's to write The Declaration of Independence.
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