These are my sheep on the land that the town people and I share
All the grass is gone, there are too many sheep for this land. This has caused a tragedy.
My land
My land
My land
My land
The town doesn't have any private land, they all own this land together to allow their sheeps to graze.
The population has grown, which caused the sheep population to also grow. Due to this, the grazing got too out of hand and the grass is now all gone.
We want private land
Due to the sheep grazing and leaving no grass, a solution we came up with was give each family their own land. Instead of sharing the land we are going to make it private now.
There were other ways that the people could have solved the problem before having to have private land. They could have given each family a limit on how many sheep they were able to have.
Only 2 sheep per family
The private land was the outcome of the enclosure movement of the 17th century.
The 17th Century. The black lines each represent each families parcel of land.