Our space cadets blast of to an adventure far, far away to new galaxies uncharted. Watch as our heroes Max, Beatrice, and Sam fight aliens and rescue old friends on...SPACE ADVENTURES
This is so boing. Nothing ever interesting happens around here said Beatrice. Come on, cheer up a bit. said Sam with a wink I'm sure something will happen today. Suddenly the alarm went out. An intruder was in the base!!!
Get them all my shadow-nauts. Destroythe cadetssaid the mysterious voice. Yellow astronauts came marching down the halls. Oh, nope ya don't! said Max as he kicked the Shadow-nauts down.
After they beat all the Shadow-Nauts the crew surrounded the mysterious stranger. He begged for them to let him go, an said it was a misunderstanding. They refused.
Fine then, guess i will have to use GREATER measures the fiend said.He took of his cloak and said...
let's play a game of hide n' seek!The End for now...