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Romeo & Juliet English Project#2

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Romeo & Juliet English Project#2
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  • Immoderately she weeps for tybalt's death, and therefore have I little talked of love. For venus smiles not in a house of tears.
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • Thursday sir. You say you do not know the lady's mind. Uneven is the curse I like it not.
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • Tell me not fair, that thou hear'st of this. Unless thou tell me how may I prevent it .Give me some present counsel, or behold twixt my extremes and me, this bloody knife Shall play the umpire, I long to die.
  • And if you darest,I'll give you thee remedy. Go home, be merrry,give consent to marry Paris ,tomorrow night look that thou lie alone. Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber.Take thou this vial being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink thou off.When presently through all thy veins should run. A cold and drowsy human . For no pulse.No warmth, no breath shall testify that thou livest.
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • Where I have learned me to repent the sin, of disobedient opposition. And beg your pardon, I beseech you .Henceforward I am ever ruled by youNurse will you come with me to my closet to help me sort such need full ornaments.
  • Come lets tell the county presently of this.For I will have this knot knit up tomorrow.
  • God knows when we shall meet again,I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins.I'll call them back to comfort me "Nurse", what should she do here? . My dismal scene , I need must act alone.Come vial, What if this mixture doesn't work at all?Shall I be married then to tomorrow morning?What if it be a poison with the priest subtly hath ministered to have me dead, because he married me before to Romeo?I fear it is but I should not .For he hath still been tried holy man.
  • This scene is when paris is talking to the priest and saying that he want to get married to Juliet on Thursday. The priest is trying to convince him that it is to early. Then Juliet arrives and Paris is talking about how on Thursday and that, that morning she will be married with
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • How if, when I am laid into the tomb I wake before the time that Romeo come to redeem me?There's a fear full point. This do I drink for thee.( she drink the poison in name of Romeo)
  • This is that banish'd Montegue.Stop thy allowed toil.Vile, Montague. Can vengeance be pursued further than death?Condemed villan , I do apprehend thee.Obey and go for me for thou must die.
  • In this scene is when Juliet tries to cut herself so that she dies because she does not want to marry Paris. So for that reason the priest gives her some venom that will make her fall asleep for more than 20 hours.And so that after everyone thinks she is dead. But she will wake up like from a pleasant sleep.
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • Thou detestable maw,thou womb of death.Gorged witht he direst morsel of the earth.I must in deed, and therefore came I hither.(romeo)
  • Why art yet so fair?I'll stay with thee, and never from these palace of dim night depart again. Here will I remain. Oh here will I set my ever lasting rest.THus with a kiss before I die.
  • In this scene is when Juliet does what the priest has told her to do to say she will get married to Paris. And after her telling her dad , her dad was really excited and happy that was agreeing to marrying Paris. And he has arranged the wedding to one day earlier. Her mother is saying that they can wait till thursday but her father is afraid that she will not want to get married during the ceremony So that's why they have arranged the wedding one day earlier.
  • Act IV & V Last Two acts
  • Friar where's my lord?I do remember well where I should be, friar where my Romeo?A cup close in my true lover hand? Poison I see hath been timeless end. O churl, drunk all? nad left no friendly drop, to help me after.I will kiss his lips, happy yet some poison yet doth hang on them.Thy lips are warm.O happy dagger, this is they sheath, there rust let me die.
  • In this scene Juliet was hesitant of drinking th apiosin, she was nervous about what if she does not wake up on time. Or if she wakes up to early and ends up marrying Paris. She was also nervous that her cousins spirit will go after Romeo and that he will not on time to save her. Also she was thinking of all of this in her wedding dress and doubting weather t to drink the poison or not.
  • Romeo now knows that Juliet has died and he get in a fight with Paris killing paris. Then he is saying how he is so heartbroken that she has died. He was suppose to get a note but he didn' t because the messenger couldn't get to him on time. And so he doesn't know that Juliet is alive and we don't know what he could do while being with Juliet and her being "dead".
  • Juliet
  • Romeo decided to take th epoison. After he did Juliet wakes up and realizes that the letter probably never got to him . Then she checks if the bottle of poison has some left. Bu sshe notices it does not and for that she decided to take her own life with Romeos sword. Then both families know what happened and were blaming each other , then after the prince came to calm them down the family's diced to end their fued.
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