I heard on the news that the most affected people are the employees.
I hear you guys talking but are we even sure that our boses registered our names on that
President also announced that employees can also apply for covid-19 compensation fund. We can apply at CCMA.
What about the medical aid? We all know how demanding our work is, our patients are from all over this world and we must go back home to our families.
Mira is having a conversation with her collegues about the new virus called Corona Virus. This virus has been spread all over the world.
We need to set up a meeting with our representative.
We have to file a complaint about this medical issue.
Workers are getting worried .
Hello John, I was on my way to your office
Hello Mira,I just arrived now. how can I help you.
Corona Virus easily spread or the most people who easily get affected this virus are children and old people. Having a family and working during pandemic is the most painful thing.
I fully agree with you, I will inform other board union members and we will do a follow up on this matter. We will keep all the employees updated.
Every employee has a right to have a medical aid. Medical Scheme Act 131 of 1998.
Yha we must speak with John since he's the shop steward to be the one who communicate with the boss
Mira was sent by other employees to be the one who rsises this issue to the shop steward as they met at the elevators.
Worker's issue is reasonable, John agreed with them that it is a valid complaint but they firstly need to do a follow up and find all the facts.
We the employees have a request to the boss. We need medical aid due to the pandemic and the risk of ending up here in beds is much highernow.