A long time ago, when the gods still coexisted with the humans on earth. There was Persefone, a beautiful and innocent goddess, she represented fertility and aspired to replace her mother in her work.
Hades and Perséfone
Demeter, her mother, tried to protect her daughter from the greed and perversion of the world; both the divine (Olympus) and the mortal (Earth). She kept her away from her depraved brothers, especially Zeus, the father of Kore, which was an abbreviation of her name, Persephone
Zeus and Demeter
But not even that could stop Zeus from offering his daughter to his own brother, Hades, Persephone's uncle. He basically asked her to accompany him in the eternal loneliness he was facing in the underworld.
Perséfone, Queen of the underworldand the reason for summer and spring
So Hades asked the nymphs to make the most beautiful flower ever seen in Persephone's path grow, that is how he appeared on her way, with his great and imposing chariot, and took her with him to reign eternally in the underworld.
Noticing her daughter missing, Demeter plunged the Earth into absolute drought and winter, crops dried up and humans begged Zeus for help. Seeing himself cornered, he begged Demeter to return to her work, but she only wanted her daughter back.
So Zeus had no choice to make an agreement with Hades and Demeter to share Persephone. They agreed that Persephone would spend half the year on earth with Demeter, which would mean a fertile and prosperous land for 6 months, and the other half in the underworld with Hades, which would mean drought and infertility would return for the other 6 months on earth. This is how the climatic stations were created.