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Introduction to World Religions

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Introduction to World Religions
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  • It was the third day after the Crucifixion when Mary Magdalene and Mary, Mother of James visited Jesus' Tomb to anoint Him. Yet, when they found the tomb opened, an angel appeared and announced the news of salvation.
  • Do not be afraid! Christ has been raised from the dead.
  • The news of the resurrection has spread and Christianity was born. Although early Christians were persecuted, it did not stop St. Paul and others to travel around the Roman Empire to convert Jews and Gentiles alike.
  • After the Roman Empire fell, the Medieval Age saw the increasing power of the Church. This meant that the clergy controlled the society through influences in trade and politics. Corruption also became rampant due to the bribery of the clergy.
  • Christianity has also affected the political landscape of Europe. Kings seek the pope's blessing which grants them the divine right to rule. This enforces their status upon the peasants whom believed that God has chosen their rulers.
  • The age of colonization was also the effect of Christians wanting to spread the news of salvation. Colonizers believed that pagans were worshipping the devil. Thus, they forcefully converted natives and assimilated their culture.
  • Until now, Christianity continues to affect our culture. In the Philippines, most of our culture are influenced by Catholicism. It can be seen through Filipinos' numerous festivals dedicated to the saints. Values are also affected especially regarding family.
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