Granville sharp was a servant living in London. He was religious. He used the law in the struggle against the slave trade. He also believed in fair wages and rights for workers and people in general.
John Newton
Thomas Clarkson believed that he had a revelation from God telling him to devote his life to abolishing the slave trade. He was from a rich family .
oludah Equiano 
William was also a deeply religious man who also wanted to abolish the slave trade. He was also a key of parliament.
case of zong
John Newton was a former slave shipmaster. At the age of 11, Newton went to sea with his Dad to go see a position to become a slave master on a plantation in Jamaica.
Equiano was an African writer who wrote about his experience as a slave. In his autobiography he writes about when she was born and also about how him a nf his sister were kidnapped at the age of 11
The case of song happened in November 1781. The Zong was “ running out of fresh water” over 130 Africans were thrown overboard due to the lack of water. The insurance company refused to pay for the slaves thrown overboard and lord Mansfield ruled that the insurance company didn't have to pay the claim