what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self
what can I do to gain eternal life?
A religious expert of the law asked Jesus a question
well what does the law say?
A Jewish man was walking when he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes and money and left him half dead on the side of the road.
you must love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul all, your strength and all your mind
correct. do this and you will live.
Luckily a priest walks by the man.
but he crosses to the other side and leaves him there.
then who is my neighbor?
Jesus answers with a story
when a Levi also walks past him and looked. also passes over and leaves him there
when a samaritan came along. at the time they were hated by jewish people. they were seen as a lower staus to them.
but when the Samaritan saw the man he took pity on him.
after bandaging his wounds taking him over to an inn on his donkey.
take care of him. if his bill is more than this I will pay you back the next time I see you.
which man do you think was a neighbor to the hurt man?
the one who took pity on him.
yes. now go and do the same.
as well as loving your neighbor as your self