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Editorial Cartoon #1 and #2

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Editorial Cartoon #1 and #2
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  • Monroe Doctrine
  • Who are you and Why are you here!
  • I am lost, I was with my tribe, we are from Europe and were new here.
  • Monroe Doctrine
  • No leave now! No one likes any of you, how about you leave and figure it out on your own!
  • Why are all of you here in MY COUNTRY! Get back to where you all belong, back to your country!
  • Sir we mean no disrespect to your country, but i am lost so al i am aslking is if you cn help me.
  • Monroe Doctrine
  • Yea run away and go back to your own people! See this is why me and my people will always be better than your weak people
  • I just needed help to find my way...
  • Now that your country is under OUR control you all shall do as we say!
  • European nations were what the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs.
  • Colony
  • Yes you all shall do as we say, You all understand what were saying!?
  • These Cartoons represent on how the United States is against and does not like the european nation/ european people.
  • Colony
  • Ugh I hate the king and queen, just because they took over our country doesn't mean they can do what ever they want.
  • I am using comparasion because the american is always comparing his country to the europeans country
  • Colony
  • Now go back to working or you shall be executed!!
  • Its not my fault Your country did not defend this country better and maybe we wouldn't have taken it! Also i can treat anyone however i want I am the king
  • I do not like how you have taken over my country. Your acting like you've owned this country for years and your the boss of everyone.
  • Colony is a country or area under the full partial control of another country.
  • Yes sir! Yes Ma'am!
  • This shows how when other colony's take over other colony's and how they take over so quickly.
  • You know what i'm gonna have a word with the king
  • This represents symbolism because i'm using images to represent people and they way they act
  • Sorry sir... I will go right back to work. I will not disrespect you ever again sir. Sorry again sir...
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