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The World Of Economies

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The World Of Economies
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  • So what is a market economy?
  • A market economy is basically the opposite of a command economy.
  • What is a command economy?
  • In a command economy the government makes all the economic decisions. These types of economies aims to use the nations resources to benefit the country.
  • Last one, what is a traditional economy?
  • Ugh, well a traditional economy is the oldest type of economy.
  • Market economies provide people with freedom of choice. People can choose what job they want to do and what they want to buy.
  • Russia is another country with a mixed economy. However it leans towards the pure command side more than the pure market side.
  • Citizens have little choice of what they want to buy, and they are told what jobs to work.
  • Are there economies that use a mix?
  • Yes! Mixed economies falls between pure command and a pure market economy. Many countries have mixed economies.
  • Traditional economies are usually influenced by customs, traditions or religious beliefs. You will most likely find these among tribes.
  • Well what types of countries have mixed economies?
  • The United Kingdom and German have very similar economies. They both are mixed economies but they lean more towards the pure market side rather than the pure command side.
  • Russia is trying to be more pure market than pure command, however it is hard because Russia used to be a pure command economy.
  • The United Kingdom, Germany and Russia are 3 countries in Europe that have mixed economies.
  • When the economy leads to the pure market side more that means, people have more control and freedom over their economy than the government does. If it leans more towards the pure command side the government has more control over the economy.
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