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  • whats with this humanism idea going around
  • people are now starting to relies that humans can do anything the put there believe into. now people are getting what jobs they want . It has also affected art, artist are making the people more realistic and colorful
  • what are you doing
  • The pope does well when he grants remission to souls in purgatory not by the power of the keys which he does not possess, but by way of intercession."
  • i am showing the people the truth that being able to get into heaven is through faith alone and that you don't need to buy indulgences to. That the church is just doing this for money.
  • we are leaving the church so we can take church land not have to pay the church and so we can do what we want
  • well we did and we are going to follow martin luther instead of the pope
  • you can't leave
  • salvation will only come through faith and good work. Only the church can read the bible. All books that are not permitted by the church are illegal. a inbulgent will only be sold to someone who is actually sorro for there sins and truly wishes to be saved.
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