Everyone here is included and working face to face to experience new relationships and cultures. All opinions are acknowledged and collaborations occurring. 
This workplace can keep employees energized, motivated and productive throughout the day.  
None hybrid workplace
Loyalty and trust is gained through better social opportunities to bond with coworkers and clients. Body language is also interpreted better. 
none hybrid workplace
This workplace makes it harder for employees to communicate with people on site. This can cause social isolation and an effect in mental health.  This will decrease work quality, productivity and motivation.
Future Hybrid workplace 
Employees have a hard time knowing when their teammates will be on site. This leads to struggle with miscommunication, organization and frustration.  
Future Hybrid Workplace
without face discussions among Employees, this could lead to poor decision making.
Future Hybrid workplace
This workplace can also effect building relationships and connections between employees. This makes it hard to create trust, friendships and a community in a hybrid workplace.