IN 3,500 BCE the kings were the priests. These kings/priests were in the upper class and they had the most amount of power. These kings/priests ruled over cities and towns. The people of Mesopotamia would usually go to a ziggurat to worship the gods that they believed in.
3,000 BCE
IN 3,000 BCE when people started military. The whole assembly would elect a military leader. Even after war would be over these leaders would still stay in power even though the war would be over.
2,300 BCE
IN 2,300 BCE the first emperors were made. The emperors had the most power. They were always in the highest class. They ruled over a certain part of the land.
Do this do that!
1,800 BCE
In 18,000 BCE Hammurabi’s code was made. This set of rules had a height that was over 7 feet tall. On this code harsh rules were put in place.A lot of these rules were that if you hit someone you got hit right back.
17,000 BCE
IN 17,000 BCE Gilgamesh was the first ever story that was written down. This was a huge advancement because now record keeping comes into place. Now with record keeping we can advance and remember how to do things.