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  •   Date:16\08\2030
  •  Any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be addressed is social issue.
  • Good morning students.. we will study about social issues todaywhat do you know about social issies?
  • Ok mam have a great day!
  • Very good.. so students your todays hw is to find out some different examples of social issues
  •   Next Day
  • Bullying
  • gender Inequality
  • Racial Discrimination..
  • Good afternoon class..As i told you to find some examples on social issues, did you do that?
  • Now what is this?
  • What does this mean?
  • Is this same like "BLACK LIVES MATTER"
  • It means any discrimination against any person on the basis of their skin colour....
  • Racial discrimnation means...
  • Can you show us some pictures?
  • Who told you about this story?
  • This started in 2013.. on social media, but this returned to the headlines during 2020
  • Yes! I have some in my pendrive. My grandfather told me about these stories...
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