The small group that huddled ina circle could hear the wind tearing through the darkness outside,heading west. - Paragraph 2, Pg-133
I stayed outsideon the porch, watching the sky, until the wind began to howl andthe rain began to beat against the house with a weird dry sound,like handfuls of sand. - Paragraph 12, Pg-135
While the grown-ups checked for damage to the house, I wentdown to the beach. - Paragraph 18, Pg-136
We stepped down to the other side of the breakwater and walkedalong the broad beach, examining the things that had come to restthere.
In the tip of thewave, as if enclosed in some kind of transparent capsule, floated K.’sbody, reclining on its side. But that is not all. K. was looking straightat me, smiling. - Paragraph 37, Pg-139
K's painting symbolize the natural disaster they would face that lead to his death.