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History Government

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History Government
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  • Absolute Monarchy
  • Oligarchy
  • Welcome to our country. We are the rulers.
  • Republic
  • I used to be President.
  • Absolute Monarchy is when there is a monarch who holds all the power. The monarch does not have to follow the rules. Whatever the monarch says or does is the law. There is no limit to what the Monarch does he has no one stopping him. An example of absolute monarchy is Vatican City. The ruler of Vatican City is The Pope. He does religious ceremonies and festivals etc.
  • Dictatorship
  • Oligarchy is a form of government that gives the power to a small group. The group is chosen by the peoples characteristics. For example wealth, nobility, education, etc. A real life example of this is Russia. It has many wealthy people ruling it. Some of those people are Igor Sechin, he is the chief of Rosneft, the state oil company, and Gennady Timchenko who is Igor's rival, etc.
  • Anarchy
  • Republic is when there is a leader but the power is in the people and the elected representatives. The government comes up with a law and instead of the leader saying it is ok the people get to vote. They vote on things like law, leaders to represent them, etc. For an example of the real world is Ireland. The president of Ireland is Michael D. Higgins. He won the presidential election in 2018 and became president on November 11 2018.
  • Aristocracy
  • Dictatorship is when a there is a ruler who has complete power over their country. The ruler is called a Dictator. The Dictator usually got his power by force. An example of a dictator is Adolf Hitler. He was dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. In 1933 he became Chancellor and then in 1934 he became Führer also.
  • Anarchy is when there is disorder and their is no government and no authority. The citizens have complete freedom. Anarchy started being used in 1539. Currently there are no countries using anarchy as a form of government. The latest one was Somalia. Somalia did not have a government from 1991 to 2006.
  • This form of government is given to the nobles to rule. The aristocrats are chosen (elected) based off of their proven leadership, superior intellect, and "best qualified to rule". Fun fact the creator of Aristocracy was the philosopher Aristotle. The best example of aristocracy in the world right now is United Arab Emirates. There are 7 emirates and they all have monarchs. Together they make a country and then there are many rulers so it is a monarchy and aristocracy.
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