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Earth Sphere

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Earth Sphere
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  • Oh no! The science test is tomorrow and I have not studied for it yet. I am going to fail!
  • It is ok Jack. I know everything about the Earth's sphere and I will teach everything I know because I am a good friend.
  • Wow that is so interesting! 
  • Why are we out here? Please explain I'm very confused
  • Well Jack, we are out here to talk about the geosphere, it is the skeleton of all of earth and is the building ground of all the other spheres! See those mountains and rocks? Those are part of the geosphere. The geosphere contains anything that is made up from earth and also contains landforms, stuff like volcanoes and mountains. One important thing to note is that the geosphere does not contain living things.
  • It sure is, let's go to the next place!
  • Yes but I already know everything about the geosphere because of you! Why are we talking about it?
  • Aseem, why are we out here in the forest?
  • Wow that's so interesting about the spheres, I never knew that before!
  • It's because we are going to talk about the the biosphere, the biosphere contains parts of the earth where life exists, almost nothing like the geosphere. It goes all the way from the trees, the different types of biomes, the forest, you could keep going. You remember the geosphere correct?
  • Well the biosphere and geosphere actually interact with each other, every sphere interacts with each other actually. The biosphere has plants and trees, obviously. But, those trees and plants draw nutrients from the soil beneath them, which is part of the geosphere. You see? Those two different spheres are interacting with each other to help them.
  • Yes, very interesting.
  • Aseem, where did you get the boat?
  • Uhhh, Jack Sparrow. Anyways, we are here because of the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere contains all of the water of earth. This means that everything from the ocean, lakes, and rivers are part of this sphere. This also includes water in ice too! This also includes the water and snow from the air. While we are here, see those rocks? Those are part of the geosphere and again, they both interact. The hydrosphere provides moisture for weathering and then also the erosion of rocks in the geosphere! Interesting, right?
  • Aseem, why are we out here? This does not seem like any sphere.
  • Thank you so much Aseem, I will never forget this information
  • Well Jack, we are talking about our last sphere, the atmosphere! I didn't choose this place for any particular reason. Anyways, the atmosphere contains all of the gases on earth. The atmosphere covers the entire planet, although it is covered in layers. The atmosphere includes mostly oxygen and nitrogen, with a very small percentage of it being other gases. The atmosphere also includes clouds and wind. Wow, the sun is out, speaking of the sun, the sun is actually very important to the atmosphere. The solar radiation coming from the sun warms the atmosphere and is important to composition of it. It also splits the oxygen and makes the ozone layer stronger. Well, that's all the spheres Jack, hope it helps out.
  • 1 week later...
  • WHAAAAT? HOW???????
  • I'm sorry Jack but you have gotten have a 29% on the quiz.
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