Rapunzel is a little girl, hidden away from a tower with an evil woman, until one day. Her life changes forever when a mysterious stranger comes to the tower...
Storyboard Text
Once upon a time there was a Queen who gave birth to a beautiful girl with magical golden hair.
One night, an evil woman named Mother Gothel stole the child. The Queen and king woke up to find their precious daughter gone.
Gothel named the baby Rapunzel and she grew in age and beauty. Her golden hair also grew, but it stayed just as magical. Rapunzel's hair kept Gothel young and pretty.
Rapunzel was lonely in the tower that Mother Gothel had imprisoned her in, until one day a poor thief from the village came to find shelter in the tower.
The stranger, Flynn Rider took Rapunzel through the town and on into the night for a magical boat ride. They fell in love.
The princess returned to the castle, after defeating Mother Gothel with Flynn. She reunited with her parents and married Flynn. Rapunzel lived at the castle for a long time, where she was happy and finally home.