The story opens up with a kid describing a town by the beach and its nice weather. He stumbles upon 2 adults talking about using the school's funds to buy land to build houses. The man says he has "connections" on how he got this land. The boy is caught listening to them and the man says, "You heard that didn't you? "then the page is cut off. The story then tells about the main character, Terry, who is a boxer.
Terry and his friend Abby are suspicious about the death of their friend Jason Green. He was found with steroids in his system and it was said to be a suicide. Terry doesn't see Jason to be the type of person to use steroids; so he investigates how steroids work and what they do to people. The principal, Mr. Buillard, doesn't like him investigating so he doesn't get in the way of the adults.
Falling action
A student named Kip Carter finds out about Terry's investigation and confronts him. He doesn't want him investigating steroids, so Kip and his friends confront Terry. Gordon (Kip's friend) tries to fight Terry; Terry breaks his nose. Terry and Abby start a spy agency to find out what Buillard and Kip do after school. They find out that Buillard is having an affair with Mrs. Trent who works at the school and is running for mayor.
Terry and Abby go to Mrs. Trent where she is being interviewed for the election; they ask about Mr. Buillard and the investigation. She insists she doesn't know anything, but then Abby exposes her affair with Buillard. Mrs. Trent says that Buillard gave steroids to the football team and Kip would help Protect Buillard from students trying to investigate what he does. Kip finds out Terry questions Mrs. Trent and fights him for not staying out of the way. Terry wins the fight while almost knocking out Kip.
Mr. Buillard is mad at Kip for trying to fight Terry and now says his steroid supply and his scholar ship to the university is over. Buillard drives to the gym where Terry, Abby, and George (Terry's trainer) are. He threatens Terry but George gets in the way and tells him to leave. Buillard doesn't listen and then gets beat up by George.
Buillard and Kip are taken to the police station to be questioned. Kip admits that Buillard supplied steroids and threatened him to be quiet or he would "make him pay". He also admitted that Buillard was the one that killed Jason and Kip was forced to help hide the body. Buillard and Trent also used the school's money to buy land to sell houses for personal profit. The story ends with Abby and Terry talking about their advancing relationship.