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  • Determine the Decision
  • Should I go to the party and drink or just say no and stay home?
  • Yo there is a party tonight want to come? There will be beer!
  • Explore Options
  • I could go to the party and have fun with my friends while also try drink
  • I could also not go and be resopondsible while caring for my health
  • Ok I will
  • Got to go, let me know when you decide
  • Consider the Consequences
  • If I go and drink I could have really bad health issues like a slow heart rate and troble breathing
  • On the other hand if I go and drink I could try drinking and I have fun with my friends
  • But also if I don't go my friends will think I'm lame
  • If I don't go I would be doing the right thing for my health and will avoid any bad ingures that would come with drinking like low blood sugar
  • Hazel was invited to a party and was told there will be drinking. She is deciding if she wants to go or not.
  • Identify Your Values
  • Hazel is exploring her options and is in the process of making her final desision
  • Decide & Act
  • Thanks for the offer to go to the party but no thanks I decided I am going to stay home and care for my health
  • Ok whatever loser
  • Hazel starts to think of the consequences that would come from drinking and she is seeing how dangerous it could be
  • Evaluate the Results
  • Hazel is seeing if she would want her parents finding out or being posted on social media drunk, she is finding more and more reasons why she shouldn't drink
  • I would not want to be posted on socail media drunk because it could effect my chance to get a job later in life
  • If my parents found out they would definlty not trust me anymore
  • If I don't drink there will be way less consquences later
  • Hazel had finally made her decision and she decided to stay home and not drink
  • Hazel is really happy with the decision she made though she might not be that popular she picked her health over popularity
  • I defintly think I made the right desion by not drinking because there were way more cons then there were pros
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