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  • I love you deeply Persephone
  • Persephone was born daughter of Zeus god of thunder and ruler of mount Olympus and Demeter goddess of harvest and agriculture. Demeter love for Persephone was as deep as her love for the earth
  • One day while Persephone was in the garden of Olympus, hades king of the under saw her and was struck by her beauty and wanted her to be his wife. Hades knew he couldn’t just take her so he ask Zeus for permission Zeus agreed without consenting Demeter.Now that Zeus had agreed Hades opened a crack in the earth and carefully took Persephone down to the underworld. While Persephone was down there she refused to eat anything as she knew that if she did she would not be able to return to the surface.
  • you may take her
  • While Persephone was in the underworld Demeter wander the earth in search for her beloved daughter. the earth went cold and all the crops died, While Persephone was in the underworld Demeter wander the earth search for her beloved daughter the earth went cold and all the crops. Until she finally asked Zeus if he knew where she was and he told her what had happened. She was furious and refused to let even a sprout of green grass grow unless her daughter was returned.
  • well.....
  • Zeus could not let earth die so he agreed to Persephone back and sent a messenger down to retrieve her. While Persephone was in the underworld she come to fall in love with Hades. when she heard she had to return to earth she rushed to the garden and ate 6 pomegranate seeds in hope she could stay but was to late.
  • Persephone must return
  • i want to stay
  • One day after Persephone was returned to earth out of no where opened a large crack and emerged Hades “Zeus” he bellowed “your dear daughter has eaten pomegranate seeds from the underworld garden and must live with me for the rest of eternity.
  • she has eaten from the garden
  • what!
  • Zeus knew Persephone mother would not like this so he asked how many seed she ate she replied with six “ Persephone you must rule the underworld for six months every year and then return for remaining six months” all the gods agreed to this except Demeter so when she is without he daughter it is winter and when she returns it is summer this is how the season came about.
  • come back to me Persephone
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