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english hw
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  • First time at an airport
  • Soo, when are we gonna go, where? and why are even going on a plane?
  • First time in a cockpit
  • Soo many buttons, how do they not even forget which is which?
  • I wonder what happens when i press this
  • The city
  • how does no one crash into each other when there are so many ?
  • When i was in 2nd maybe, it might be 3rd but i was told to pack my clothes for a two week vacation but i didn't know i would be going for a trip far enough to be in a in air port. The child i was i would bother my parents and ask many questions because i was very curious.
  • Meeting my family 
  • snake, why?
  • What's for dinner?
  • This trip was also the first time i gotten to go into the very front of the airplane. After all it was my first time, I was amazed there was so many buttons and the pilots talked to me about how they fly the plane for hours and not get sleepy. It was a big point because i was inspired to do jobs like them and do things that help people like travel.
  • animal watching
  • When i first arrived in Vietnam the humidity change was massive. I felt the hot air fly across me and cars driving by making it anything besides better. I learned that many people there drove motorcycles and it wwas the most common way to drive in which you rarely see cars in places like an airport
  • The time i got a heat stroke
  • Someone open the window! Its to hot in here!
  • I remember there was on accident that was so bad, it had like 3 motorcycles and a car
  • Meeting my cousins, aunts, and uncle was very great at first but the things they introduced me to was very odd and much un expected. They gave me things like mice and snake to eat as a snack but thankfully they only do it on specials occasions and they make normal food. I was not even gonna lie scared of eating animals over there.
  • no no snakes are poisonous
  • This day was a day i would never forget because it was probably the main reason i remember this trip. My uncle had taken us to watch animals which were mainly cows but we pet them and watched them eat and graze throughout the fields where we ran and played games.
  • Yes hahah
  • Is this where our hamburgers are from?
  • wait what?!?!
  • This day was literally the day after we went to watch cows but my whole family shared one big room and because it was raining hot water outside and there are many bugs we closed the windows and turned on ac. But when we woke up everyone was overheating and no one could move from their spot.
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