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  • After lunch I went out to recess. It was quite cold where I lived. It was getting close to winter, so it would be getting colder every day. I went outside and remembered I forgot my coat in my math class, so I went back inside to get it, but my classroom was closed so I had to go all the way down to the office that was on the first floor because I was on the second floor. I had to wait until the janitor went to go open the door for me. But that time everyone was done eating lunch. The cafeteria was empty, the lunch ladies were cleaning up all the food from the floor that the kids had left behind. I went to go play with some friends on the swings. The cold air made my face bright red look like I put blush on.
  • I turned around and saw this girl with very long black hair that touched her hip. I know her she was in my art class. She never talks. She was with these two other girls, one with blond hair, her name is Shelby, everyone hated her she was a brat she thought she was better thaneveryone, and the other one with brown hair, her name was America, I didn’t know her personal, but I have seen her walk around in the hallways. I didn’t think much of it.
  • I started to have this feeling that something wasn't right because the girl with long black hair Maddie was looking down at the floor and the other two girls Shelby and America were laughing. I know how mean Shelby was, but I didn't know her that well, maybe all the rumors were fake.
  • conclution
  • You could hear them laughing all the way from where I was. I didn’t want to just go up to them and get into their conversation. What would they think of me? I sat there for a couple of minutes thinking if I should or shouldn't go up and say something about it. What if they were friends or the girl was just having a bad day and the other two were trying to make her laugh.
  • I started seeing the girl's pulling her hair and pushing her. I knew what I had to do, I had to go up and help her out. Even though I'm a very shy person but it wasn't right what they were doing.‘’what's happening here’’ Shelby responded ‘’nothing why u care’’ in my head I was thinking. I want to go off and put them in their place but then a hole argument would start so I said to myself try your best to walk out if this without making it a big scene. I said ‘’you guys need to get a life, y’all act like if y’all were all that’’ America said back ‘’we were just playing no need to get all mad’’. I glared at them and turned to Maddie ‘’what happed is everything ok?!’’ Maddie responded, “let's get out of here please and I'll tell you’’. We walked away like nothing happened. They went their way, and we went out way. ‘’they were telling me I need new cloths and so many other horrible things I didn't know what to do I was scared’’ I told her back ‘’I'm so sorry u ok though, just forget about it they not worth it’’. We walked all up until lunch was over and we had to come back inside. Maddie went later that day to the office to report what happened to her.
  • After all that happened, I asked her if she wanted to be friends with me and she said yes. We became good friends and hung out a lot. She trusted me with all her problems. I felt happy that I could help someone in that situation. Next time I will feel braver to help others in need. To this day me and her are still friends even though we live two states away we still keep in contact. Don’t judge people by their appearance because you wouldn’t like it if someone told u what to wear or how u should look.
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