The characters in this story are Lizabeth, Miss Lottie, Joey, and her parents. The setting is a small town in Maryland during the Great Depression. In this story Lizabeth breaks innocence, poverty is a conflict in this story.
Lizabeth goes to sleep and wakes up due to their parents fighting, it turns out her father couldnt get a job, Lizabeth has heard her dad sob.
falling action
Lizabeth and her brother snuck outside and threw rocks at the poor ladies property
Lizabeth completely ruins the old ladie's beautiful Marigolds, she did this out of frustration and anger, she cries and lets out all her emotions.
Lizabeth felt instant regret everything she has done, she realizes she destroyed the only thing Miss Lottie ever had and enjoyed, her marigolds.
Lizabeth has turned into a young woman and matured from her past actions on what she has done, she knows that that was it for being a child.