Jeremiah I’m going to bind you as the prophet of the nations.
Jeremiah giving message to the Israelites
your hands are stained with the bloods of innocents.
Hey he's not a prophet
King wanting to destroy all idols
King Josiah told us to push the idols down boys.
God showed Jeremiah a picture of a boiling pot spilling to the north. He said that disaster was boiling from the north to destroy your land. God also told Jeremiah that he will make him stronger and more powerful like a fortified city. God told Jeremiah that evil was coming and that enemies were sweeping from the north to attack Jerusalem and take the Israelites captive. Prophet Jeremiah's message was to tell the Israelites for there wrong doings.
Jeremiah spoke again to the Israelites
God has punished you because of your sins.
Jeremiah had turned into a prophet, a prophet is someone chosen by god to go out and tell others God's message. God needed Jeremiah because he was the one to say that there was enemies coming to attack Jerusalem, also that the Israelites were truing against God by praying and following idols instead of following God.
Jeremiah lived in exile
King Josiah gave instructions to destroy all idols, temples and altars. Anything that were dedicated to idols were destroyed, King also said that worship would be considered a crime deserving capital punishments. All of the prophets were agreeing or saying that it wouldn't be to long before Solomon glory returns, all but Jeremiah. Jeremiah keep on telling the Israelites that there was an attack coming from the north, although, Israelites did not listen.
Baroque reads the scroll to the Israelites
God will destroy your city!
A few days later there was a war, Josiah die fighting, the Israelites fought that he was punished by the Egyptian gods for destroying their idols. The Israelites all agreed this was the reason, so they though that they must worship Baal. Jeremiah walk to the top of the temple of the Lord. Jeremiah spoke to the people and said that god was punishing them for their sins, the Israelites were confused because Josiah was a good king and he destroyed the idols, Jeremiah said that faith isn't just destroying the idols but instead to engrave the law of Covenant in your heart. Jeremiah was then arrested and later banned to visit the temple.
stop talking!
what? Why?
After that day Jeremiah left the city and lived in exile for many years. In the mean time Israel was attacked by the king of Babylon, Israel became the servant of Babylon and were forced to pay heavy taxes. Due to the reason that Jeremiah was exiled, he could no longer cry the word of the lord, but instead he got another follower (called Baroque) to tell the lords message to the Israelites in the temple of lord.
Go to the temple that I was banned from, and speak the word of God.
These are the work of god? There very dark.But I will.
Baroque when to the temple and read the scroll to the people, he said that there nation would be destroyed. although, the Israelites disagreed, right before Baroque could finish the scroll he got caught by the officials of the king and was sent to the king. the priest read the message "your city will be destroyed your temple will be destroyed you people will become slaves". Baroque was arrested that day.
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