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Finding Nemo

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Finding Nemo
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  • The Ordinary World
  • Call/Refusal to Adventure
  • The Mentor
  • Nemo is living with his dad, Marlin. They are all safe and happy living in their anemone. Marlin is trying to be safer because of what happened earlier in the story. Marlin, Coral (Marlin's wife), and all the other potential baby fish were attacked by a big fish. Coral died trying to protect the fish, whilst all but one of the fish got eaten. Marlin, however, swam straight to his anemone and was safe. The one fish that was left, Marlin named him Nemo. This is why Marlin is so protective of Nemo
  • Crossing the Threshold with Tests/Allies/Enemies
  • When Nemo was at school and went on a road trip, Marlin followed them to an area near the open ocean. Nemo and a few other fish saw a fishing boat, they called it 'the butt'. The fish dared Nemo to go and touch the butt. Although Nemo thought it was silly, Nemo was peer-pressured into going to touch the butt. Nemo successfully touched the boat with his fin, and as Nemo was coming back, the scuba divers stole him. Marlin didn't want Nemo to go, but he knew he had to go and save his son.
  • Ordeal/Reward
  • Gil was a good mentor for Nemo. Nemo met Gil when Nemo got trapped in a fish tank by the scuba divers. Nemo was missing his dad, Marlin, so Gil stepped up and became a mentor for Nemo. Gil taught Nemo valuable lessons that a father should've taught him. For example, Gil taught Nemo 'whatever you can get yourself into, you can get out of'. This was when Nemo was stuck in the pipe. In some ways, Gil was a better mentor than Marlin because Marlin was a bit scared to try new things.
  • Road Back/Atonement
  • Marlin and Nemo are now outside of the anemone because they are more brave
  • Crossing the Threshold is the main event where the hero realizes that this is different from the ordinary world. For Marlin, this comes in the form of meeting Bruce the shark and his friends. At first, Bruce acted nice to them, but when Dory got cut and started bleeding, Bruce got triggered and tried to eat Marlin and Dory. Luckily, with the help of the other sharks, both Marlin and Dory escaped. Crossing the Threshold is also used as a wakeup call to what they both got themselves into.
  • The Ordeal, meaning the big dramatic climax of the Hero's Journey. This was when Nemo and Dory were metres away from Nemo and his fish tank. However, there were seagulls chasing both Nemo and Dory. All this drama didn't stop them both from focusing on their goal of 'Finding Nemo' because they had gotten so far and been through so much to get here. So they persisted and achieved their goal. The reward was getting Marlin's son Nemo back. A lot of the time, the hero reminds himself of the Reward which helps to push through the Ordeal.
  • Nemo and Marlin got back to their anemone by riding in the pelican's mouth. Although very far away, the pelican was willing to help with Marlin and Nemo's road back. Atonement means that someone has changed something by the end of the story for the better. In this case, the most significant change had to do with Marlin. Marlin changed his over-protective way of parenting Nemo. With atonement, there is usually cause and effect, the cause was Marlin losing his son and going on a big adventure to find him, and the effect was Marlin becoming more adventurous.
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