Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.
Maya! Wake up, we have to go to the store today.
*Groan* Fine.
Why do we have to put on all this stuff? We're just going to the store.
We must follow the law, we don't want to be beaten like your aunt was because her hair was showing.
But that's so silly! Its just hair. Why can't we just be normal?
Don't worry Maya I agree, it's not right. That's most women subtly break the governments rules. See the shoes you're wearing? They're dark brown, not black.
I wish we didn't have to stay hidden Mother.
So do I. I hope one day you can walk outside with your daughter without being in fear of getting arrested.
Hush, stay behind me.
Hey! You two. your shoes are brown. Come here now!
Please sir! she is only 9, it was an honest mistake!
I don't care! hands behind your back now! both of you.